What We Observe About The Photographer You Hired To Capture the Ceremony.
January 12th, 2020

The Good
A great photographer has already set up an itinerary for their special moments and has experience working with DJ’s in general. At the same time, they understand and respect the schedule, committing to it and making sure to put the event first. More importantly, they engage with their surroundings, making note of what not to be in the frame like speakers. At the same time, making the best use of each moment.

The Bad
By default the DJ should know the flow and timing of the event. Well, the photographer might not care and might just sneak into the front of the line at the open bar, or food table. The person being paid, shouldn’t be the reason the request side dish runs out.

The Ugly
Sometimes you can end up with a guy who is nowhere to be found and misses out on some of the more intimate moments. Imagine missing the wedded couples friends proposal because the photographer was smoking. Even worse, we see when the photographer doesn’t care what they wear and its almost better they weren’t there. That’s because they forget they show up in a guest selfie or maybe the DJ Wedding Video.

Want us to keep an extra eye out, just ask.

Call: (239) 463 – 9797
Email: weddingdjvideo@gmail.com
Quote: https://weddingdjvideo.com/get-a-quote/